Saturday, September 6, 2008

How to make a system

Take a look on the left upper corner of the page, this is the cashflow quadrant.
This chart shows the four ways of earning money.
E- Stands for employee.
S- Stands self employed.
B- Stands for business.
I-stands for investor.

As I wrote before to get rich you need a system.
Just going to work every day, paying something like 50% tax and depositing your cash in the bank wouldn't make you rich (It doesn't count as a system).

A good system is a one that will make you cashflow without you having to physically working for it.
The practical definition of wealth is how much time you'll be able to live without working.
When you are an employee the moment you would stop working is the moment when you will stop getting money.

To make a system I recommend you to use the right side of the cashflow quadrant.
A business is a wonderful system, when you own a business you make other people to work for you, also a company can give you tax advantages.
You can start a part time business so you won't have to quit your job, but it is very important that you will start and don’t just dream.

If you wish to start a business it is very important to have a plan and learn how to run a business, you don’t want your company to end like the 9 of 10 companies I talked about in the previous post.

I also recommend that what you will invest, no matter in what quadrant you are.

Being in the right side is not better then the left side it's just a matter of personality and aspiration.


Unknown said...

Wow, great tips!
(מאיפה אתה ממציא את החרטוטים האלה??)


Onie Bone said...

wonderful read, thanks Andy, I will be subscribing to this blog and checking for regular updates.